Carson Brooke — Birth {Raleigh Birth Photography}

I met Ashley almost three years ago at a photography workshop—she was one of the models, and I was learning the ropes. We connected over Facebook after the workshop, and discovered shortly thereafter that we were both pregnant and due three days apart! We’ve stayed in touch over the years, especially as we entered the mommy-world at the same time…both with our adorable little boys.

When we discussed the prospects of baby # 2, we reminisced about the births that we could hardly remember.

That’s right…we couldn’t remember our son’s births.

Okay, so it’s not that we could fully remember, but the day and the births weren’t crystal clear. ((I’m sure other moms out there will understand this phenomenon I speak of)) And perhaps that’s how it’s supposed to be–if we honestly remembered, in vivid detail, how painful and sucky child birth can be, would we honestly want to go through it time and time again?

And the pictures? The photographic evidence of the minutes old baby? Well, I’ll speak for myself…but, I had an awesomely blurry iPhone picture, taken by student nurse Brad who was still crying over having witnessed his first birth. My husband stepped in with my DSLR and got some good pictures of our son being weighed, but that one blurry iPhone picture? It’s the only photo I have of my family of three in those first few days.

So, we dreamed up the idea then and there. If and when Ashley got pregnant again, I’d be there to photograph the birth.

Fast forward two weeks (okay, maybe it was like three weeks  😉 ), Ashley texted and told me she had gotten a positive pregnancy test, and the rest is history.

There aren’t enough words to express how honored and grateful I am to have been a part of Ashley and Aaron’s little girl’s birthday. I will never be able to summarize how beautiful and amazing seeing a child be born is…and to be able to capture it on film? I am forever humbled by this experience.

The text from Ashley that it was baby-day came while I was just starting out my day at my 9-5 job. She expected baby Carson to make her appearance by 7pm, so I packed up just after noon, went home to change and grab my gear, and was at the hospital by 2:30pm. They say second babies come quicker….totally true. I popped back in her room after the epidural, and it was go-time! She started pushing at 5:08pm, and Carson was born at 5:26pm.

This was the first birth I’ve photographed…but so hopeful that it’s not the last. (hint-hint…anyone need a birth photographer?  🙂 )

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